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Pantanos de Villa Reserved Area | Reserved Areas

Pantanos de Villa Reserved Area

The Pantanos de Villa was established on May 29, 1989, through Law (R.M.) 00144-89-AG/DGFF on January 20, 1997, it is located in the department of Lima, province of Lima, district of Chorrillos, with a surface of 396 hectares. This is the only protected area within the city of Lima, these swamps are connected to the hydrological system of the river Rimac.

There are 67 types of plants like the grama salada (Distichlis spicata), the reed plant in flooded areas, as well as the scirpus americanus and Paspalum vaginatum. the fauna is represented by 155 species of birds which 77 are migratories, we can notice: the zambullidor grande (Podiceps major), the zambullidor pico grueso (Podilymbus podiceps), the garza blanca (Egretta thula), the huaco (Mycticorax nycticorax), the pato colorado (Anas cyanoptera), the aguila pescadora (Pandion haliaetus), la polla de agua (Gallinula chloropus), la gallareta (Fulica americana), the playero blanco (Calidris alba), el pata amarilla mayor (Tringa melanoleuca), the white seagull (Larus modestus) among others as well as 12 types of fishes and some reptiles and gnawings.

Among the main purposes of the Pantanos de Villa Reserve, we can see: the protection of the migratory and resident fauna and the aquatic ecosystem, the preservation of the rich wild and typical flora of the aquatic ecosystems in the coast.

Reserved Areas

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